Tuesday, January 6, 2009

December Holiday Knitting

Well, all the December Holiday knitting is done. I finished the last bit on Christmas day. Luckily, I have an understanding husband who didn't mind his Christmas present not being wrapped :)

Highlights in reactions:
  • random stranger on the green line telling my mother she just *had* to know where she got her scarf.

  • Rachel being enthralled with the hat and sweater combo for Riley.
  • Elizabeth wearing her hat for most of Christmas day
  • Douglas: "Thank you what is it?" (a hat).
  • Darlene loved the socks for Joseph and hats for Elizabeth and Lydia.
  • Becky's godmother made her a quilt with the exact same color green in it as the blanket I made (and Becky liked them both a lot).
  • Love was delighted (many times, thanks to her failing memory) with the shawl.
  • Bianca liked the bag and washcloths.

  • My father thinks he's already lost his hat (given that I've lost two mittens, one hand-knit for me in the last month, I really shouldn't be complaining)
  • When I asked Michael if the kids liked their gifts he didn't say, just mentioning that the box got there (which I take to mean that Kim disliked them)
  • James's parents might be moving back to Florida soon, meaning their hats are likely to only get used this winter
  • My grandmother doesn't like her scarf
Overall, a success I think. Next year maybe everyone will get socks. I'm working on my first two-at-a-time socks right now, and if that goes well, maybe I'll be able to finish in time for Christmas!

In other knitting-related December Holiday news, boy did I get a lot of knitting stuff! I got point protectors, a Norwegian thimble, four skeins of sock yarn, some Kitpicks knitting needles (as an aside, I've broken down and ordered the Harmony interchangeable set), the Yarn Harlot 2009 calendar, which is now sitting on my desk, and probably several things I'm forgetting. I also got a gift certificate to Stitch House, which I've used to register for a knitting design class (starting tomorrow evening). I'm very excited about that.

So far in 2009, I've worked on the socks mentioned above (Sugar Maple, by Melissa Morgan-Oakes) and the Hemlock Ring Blanket. I'm really liking both projects and will update more with pictures later.

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